Health & Wellness

  • What Is Good Posture and How to Achieve It

    We've all been told the importance of standing up straight and not slouching, but what is good posture and how can we get it? The key for how to have good posture is to be aware of your body and its position while doing daily activities such as walking or sitting. Having good posture means that your body weight is evenly distributed to align with the natural curve of your spine.

  • How Can Poor Posture Result in Back Pain?

    Most of us have likely experienced back pain at some point, but few know what actually causes back pain. Back pain is generally caused by repetitive daily activities, such as slouching at your desk every time you type. Posture is the way that you hold your body when sitting, lying down, bending, standing, etc. So, how can poor posture result in back pain, and what can be done to prevent or mitigate it? Read on to learn more.

  • 10 Back Pressure Points You Should Know for Stress Relief

    Stress isn’t just a mental problem, it’s able to manifest physically and often does so in the back and shoulder areas of your body. When stress goes unchecked, it can build up and lead to muscle tension, stiffness, or even chronic pain in the upper, middle, and lower back. This can be disruptive to your daily routine and impede your quality of life. The good news is there are pressure points in the back that may help alleviate stress and get you back on track.

  • Pregnancy Stretches for Back Pain

    During pregnancy, your body experiences several changes that can make you feel uncomfortable. Aches in the back is a common symptom among pregnant women and can either feel intense and sharp or consistent and dull. Fortunately, engaging in stretches for back pain during pregnancy can bring relief as well as strengthen your spine and core muscles.
  • What Are the Options for Cervical Spondylosis Treatment?

    Cervical spondylosis is a generic term for symptoms that impact the neck's joints, discs, ligaments, bones, and more. Cervical spondylosis can be caused by age-related wear and tear on the neck. There are discs between the vertebrae in the neck that may shrink and dehydrate over time, leading to changes in the neck such as bone spurs.
  • Difference Between Acute vs Subacute Pain

    Those who have experienced pain before may have heard the terms acute and subacute pain, but what do they mean? It is important to know their similarities and dissimilarities to help find the correct treatment. This guide will break down the differences between the two and provide ways to treat the pain. Read on for tips, ideas for pain relief, and how to know the difference between acute vs subacute pain.
  • How To Fix Lower Back Pain From Rowing

    Rowing is a great way to reduce stress and stay healthy while also boosting your cardiovascular health, power, and endurance. Like most exercises, proper posture and completing the exercise correctly can prevent you from experiencing rowing lower back pain. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways on how to fix lower back pain from rowing, such as treating it with self-care, stretching, resting, and using ice.

  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Finding SI Joint Pain Relief

    Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is a common condition that’s sometimes challenging for people to diagnose or recognize. It’s one of the most common sources of discomfort for people experiencing lower back pain, accounting for an estimated 25% or more of cases1. Your sacroiliac joints connect the lower spine to your pelvis and can result in debilitating pain when becoming inflamed or irritated. This makes finding sacroiliac joint pain relief important for restoring mobility, reducing pain, and getting back your ability to perform everyday activities without ongoing discomfort.
  • How a Zero Gravity Chair After Hip Replacement Can Help Recovery

    When you’ve just had hip replacement surgery, you need to take extra precautions to support your full and speedy recovery. For weeks after your surgery, you’ll need to ensure you’re choosing proper sitting and resting positions to facilitate your healing as well as prevent any regressions in progress. One of the most useful tools you can use is a zero gravity chair after hip replacement.
  • At-Home Pinched Nerve Treatment To Help Relieve Pain

    Pinched nerves are a common experience that often results in a tingly feeling in the affected area. If you’ve ever had your hand or foot “fall asleep” and experienced the “pins and needles” sensation, that was most likely the result of a mildly pinched nerve due to excess pressure being placed on it. Whether it’s an acute issue or chronic, this condition can be irritating and inhibit your daily activities. Learning how to heal a pinched nerve or find pain relief can be as simple as making a few concentrated adjustments to your lifestyle.
  • How to Release Low Back Trigger Points

    Low back trigger points, also sometimes talked about as muscle knots, can affect anyone regardless of your age or lifestyle. These tender spots in muscle tissue can cause significant discomfort and pain, interfering with your daily activities and having a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Whether you're an athlete, office worker who sits most of the day, or someone who experiences occasional back pain, understanding and addressing these trigger points is important to find relief.

  • Caring for EDS Back Pain (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)

    Back pain is an extremely common ailment experienced by an estimated 80% to 90% of adults in the United States at some point in their lifetime1. Roughly 23% experience chronic back pain, which is not only frustrating but can take a negative toll on your overall long-term well-being. For those living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), it can be especially challenging.