Price Match Guarantee

30-day price match guarantee valid on in stock advertised items from local retail competitors 30 days after your purchase from

We don’t only guarantee our prices against competitors. If our prices drop within 30 days of your purchase with us we’ll refund you the difference.

The item must be the same size, model, SKU, quantity, brand, name, and color.

The item must be available on the online retailer’s website and on at the time of the price match request.

A price match request can only be made once within the 30 days after your purchase from

How it works:

  • Call customer service at 844-697-8246
  • Send your price match request via email with a link to the other online retailer’s website and a screenshot of the discount.
  • We will then review and verify the price match request.
  • We will then send you a custom order invoice.

We don’t match:

  • Discount based on membership
  • Auction prices
  • Prices that cannot be determined independent of other items (e.g., fees and shipping charges)
  • Bundle offers, rebates, coupons, mail-in offers, offers that include financing
  • Items that other retailers have listed as clearance, closeout, liquidation, special hour/flash/limited quantity offers
  • Damaged, used, or refurbished items
  • Price errors
  • In-store pricing from local or warehouse stores/showrooms
  • Online competitor’s pricing from Thanksgiving Day through the following Cyber Monday
  • Items with rebates, free offers, or specific one-time-only promotions, including bundle offers