Health Questions for National Self Check Month

woman making a list for national self check month

February is National Self Check Month, spreading awareness about the importance of checking in on your own health and advocating for new, engaging ways to prioritize your health all year long. When we take control of our health directly, we could drastically reduce the chances of experiencing chronic illnesses or other preventable ailments as we get older.

Today, we’re discussing ways to use National Self Check Month to take stock of your current health, as well as make a plan for how to prioritize your health moving forward. We’ve got helpful questions you can ask yourself as well as solutions to improve your daily self-care routine to make a positive impact!

National Self Check Month Questions for You

The biggest part of February’s observance as National Self Check Month is learning how to appraise your current health and analyze how your lifestyle contributes to it. This doesn’t mean you need to set up a complicated study of your own activities, but can be as simple as asking yourself a few simple questions regarding your health and family history! Some easy questions include:

  • What are the personal and family risk factors to my health?
  • Are there lifestyle changes I can make for better health?
  • Do I manage stress in a healthy and effective way?
  • Have I made regular appointments with my doctor for health checkups?
  • Have I taken time for myself recently?

What Are My Personal and Family Risk Factors?

One of the biggest questions to ask yourself during National Self Check Month is what your personal and family health risk factors may be. While some of our health ailments are brought on as the result of choices we make or the lifestyle we live, factors like family health history are something we have little control over. That said, however, knowing your family health history and what risks may be elevated for you is an ideal starting point to discuss possible prevention or ways to reduce risk with your doctor.

Our personal health risk factors include things like taking note of being an unhealthy weight, not getting enough exercise, our eating habits, and more. These risk factors are based on our lifestyle and any healthy habits we may (or may not) have developed.

This year, start out National Self Check Month with an objective look at your current health and any potential risk factors you may encounter based on your family medical history or lifestyle choice. This will serve as the basis for making a plan moving forward to prioritize your health and lead a happy, healthy life!

Could I Make Lifestyle Changes for Better Health?

As you take stock of your current habits and lifestyle, are there ways you can improve? The truth is, there’s always room for improvement, so don’t get bogged down if you realize you could be doing a lot more to safeguard your health. What really matters is what you do moving forward and it’s an important part of physical well-being as well as a self check in mental health, as well.

Recognizing different healthy habits you could benefit from doesn’t mean you have to overhaul your life all at once. In order to build those healthy habits, break your goals down into smaller, achievable milestones and set yourself up for success.

For example, create a personal health and wellness checklist with goals like being active at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You may also take a look at your diet and choose to make changes to a more well-rounded, nutritious diet of whole foods, healthy fats, and limited processed foods.

As creatures of habit, developing morning and night time routines for ourselves is another effective lifestyle change that can lead to positive health improvements. Waking up at the same time each morning and spending a few minutes journaling or doing morning stretches could give you the mental or physical boost you need to get through your day a little better. Starting a relaxing night time routine may include actions like taking a warm shower, limiting screen time before bed, or unwinding and recovering in a zero gravity chair. Starting these routines takes effort at first, but over time they become healthy habits we do without even recognizing them and could have a profound positive impact on our overall health.

The important part of National Self Check Month is that you’re making a plan for your future. It doesn't mean you have to change everything in the month of February!

How Can I Manage Stress Effectively?

A big component of this month’s observation is a self check in mental health. Learning how to manage stress effectively and healthily is paramount to both your mental and physical wellness, and should be a priority for you moving forward.

We can’t cut stress out of our lives completely, but we can teach ourselves how to manage it effectively and minimize its effects on our minds and bodies in the long-term. Some popular methods for this include meditation, listening to calming music, or even journaling to get your thoughts down.

Probably the most well-known of these is meditation. There are many different types of meditation techniques to choose from, so don’t be afraid to try different techniques and see which works best for you. Many people like to incorporate meditation into other self-care routines like relaxing in a zero gravity chair to enhance the experience and let stress melt away. Partnering these stress management tips to practice zero gravity meditation is a great way to practice mental and physical self-care during National Self Check Month and beyond.

Do I Keep Regular Doctor Appointments and Checkups?

Even if you’re not sick, keeping up with regular doctor appointments and checkups is important. This year for National Self Check Month, take an objective look at when the last time you went to your doctor was. Are you keeping up with regular appointments and checkups? Do you get an annual physical or the recommended health screenings?

Maintaining the recommended appointments as suggested by your doctor or healthcare professional is an important part of staying on top of your well-being now and in the future. It allows your doctor to be aware of any changes in your health and make recommendations about changes that may be beneficial or early treatments if a condition manifests. While we can’t sidestep every negative health condition, keeping regular doctor appointments each year gives us the best chance we can have at optimizing our long-term health.

Am I Taking Time for Myself?

You might’ve guessed it, but another question to ask yourself during National Self Check Month is, “have I taken time for myself recently?” It’s not selfish to take time to do what you want to do! This looks different for each person. Some may need some “me” time every day whereas others might benefit from a little time to themselves once or twice a week.

What you do during your “me” time is also up to you, so long as it positively contributes towards your overall health goals. For example, some may enjoy reading a book each day whereas others use their “me” time to do an activity they love outdoors. Determine what brings you joy and make time for it as often as you need.

As you observe National Self-Check Month this February, ask yourself the questions we’ve provided to see where you’re succeeding and where your healthy priorities could improve. Don’t get down on yourself, but recognize the fact you’re analyzing where you can benefit from changes and celebrate your efforts! Making your health a priority will positively impact every aspect of your life. Take what you learn this month and apply it to your habits all year long.

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