How to Help Menopause Symptoms and Find Relief

Menopause is a natural occurrence that affects more than 1 million women in the United States. Menopause sometimes comes with symptoms that can vary from mild to severe based on the individual. You will learn how to relieve menopause symptoms so that you can minimize the effects and find relief fast.
Menopause usually occurs in people between the ages of 45-55 years once it has been 12 months since their last period. Before menopause takes place, you may experience perimenopause or the menopausal transition during the years leading up to menopause. The menopausal transition stage can come with symptoms that could last up to 14 years.
What are Typical Menopause Symptoms?
Typical menopause symptoms include:
Recurring UTIs
Hot flashes
Burning mouth syndrome
Fortunately, there are ways to help with menopause symptoms to find relief. If your menopause symptoms don't get better with treatment or worsen, then consult your physician immediately.
Recurring UTIs
Urinary tract infections can develop more frequently after menopause. They are considered recurring when an individual experiences three or more UTIs within a year or two or more within 6 months. UTIs can occur more often after menopause due to the lack of estrogen, which can cause dryness and irritation. Help prevent UTIs by drinking cranberry juice, using probiotics, and taking d-mannose supplements.
Hot Flashes
During menopause, you may experience sweating, flushed skin, and warmth that develops suddenly. Hot flashes are the most common of menopause symptoms, usually happening in your late 40s, and can last for several months or years. Taking estrogen can help relieve symptoms, but it can carry risks, so discuss with your doctor to see if this is the right option for you.
Burning Mouth
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) causes a burning sensation in your mouth. It usually develops suddenly and can happen anywhere in your mouth, though the common places are the roof of the mouth, lips, and tongue. Hormone replacement therapy can help as BMS is linked to a decline in estrogen.
What Helps Menopause Symptoms?
Changing your lifestyle, whether short-term or long-term, can profoundly affect your symptoms. Making any kind of change to your lifestyle can help you find relief and help you feel more confident. You have a better chance of finding relief when you make changes to your everyday routine.
Change Your Diet
Switching your diet can help with menopause symptoms, such as digestive problems during menopause. While there can be several different reasons for menopause digestive problems, the most common cause is hormonal imbalance. Menopause digestive problems can be caused by other factors, such as a poor diet.
You can make small lifestyle changes that can benefit you by eating foods high in fiber, such as split peas, lentils, artichoke hearts, raspberries, and whole-wheat pasta. Make sure to chew your food thoroughly and slowly to help with digestion. Keeping hydrated also aids in digestion, so it is important to pay attention to your water intake.
Treat Menopause Joint Pain
It is common to experience menopause joint pain due to low levels of estrogen. Causes of menopause joint pain can include aging, gaining weight, and bone density changes. You can help ease joint pain by exercising frequently, using zero gravity recliners, and eating anti-inflammatory food such as olive oil, green tea, and avocados.
Create a Relaxation Room
Having a home relaxation room can help with menopause symptoms by making you feel more relaxed both physically and mentally. Some ideas for a relaxation room include getting a diffuser or scented candles, choosing soft lighting, and comfortable seating. Add your own unique touch to your relaxation room, and think about your favorite senses, such as smell, touch, and taste.
How to Relieve Menopause Symptoms
You may be wondering what helps menopause symptoms, and the answer is the right products. Think of what your symptoms are and purchase products that help relieve them. For example, if you're having lower back pain, consider purchasing a zero gravity recliner with massage features, a heating pad, and a great headache medication. Items with a calm and soothing scent, such as eucalyptus and lavender, can help reduce stress and promote serenity.
Zero Gravity Recliner
A zero gravity massage chair is a great way to help with menopause symptoms such as lower back pain and stress. If you get professional massages often, then you may want to consider the zero gravity recliner as a convenient and cost-effective way to receive a massage. Some zero gravity chairs also have a warming feature, which can help reduce pain caused by menopause.
Massage Tools
You can give yourself a self massage by purchasing products such as a chair with massaging features, a massage gun, and foam rollers. The massage features can help alleviate pain due to menopause symptoms. Using your massage tools in a calming setting, such as a relaxation room, can enhance your experience and alleviate stress.
Using Heat to Help with Menopause Symptoms
Using heat is a great way of how to help menopause symptoms as it can improve blood circulation, burn more calories, and enhance sleep quality. Heating pads can help with lower back or abdominal pain, while a heated towel can help with headaches. Try combining heat with massage therapy for a luxurious way of treating menopause symptoms.
Getting Help with Menopause Symptoms
There is no way to avoid menopause, but there are several different ways on how to relieve menopause symptoms. Pinpoint the areas that are causing you the most pain, and see what lifestyle changes you can make. You'll be surprised to see that something as simple as changing your diet or purchasing the right product can help with menopause symptoms.
Disclaimer: This content is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare professional when considering implementing changes to your health or workout routines to ensure it’s compatible with your needs.
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